Why Experiences

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Experiences provide a common and transparent language that transforms talent management and succession planning processes.

Experiences have a powerful role in developing talent and ensuring robust succession. Yet experiences have been largely absent in the talent management and succession planning process. We submit that experiences have been neglected because there has been no framework, mechanism or tool to effectively capture and integrate experiences information into the talent management and succession planning process. This has been an issue from the early stages of talent development through to succession planning for the Board.

The struggle to integrate experiences is over. The groundbreaking Development Experiences Blueprint™ talent management software application utilizes an innovative and patented framework to capture, manage and integrate experiences information into the talent management and succession planning process. This SaaS application will strengthen and complement your existing tools, programs and processes.

Experiences are the unique combination of job experiences and development opportunities that are required for talent to be well prepared to deliver performance, drive organizational success and deliver on the business strategy in an organization.

Experiences Transform

Coaching and mentoring
Experiences provide line managers, coaches, mentors, human resources and talent management professionals with a common and transparent language for developing talent, which strengthens the quality, impact and pragmatic value of coaching and mentoring conversations.
Career pathing
Experiences provide the cornerstone for building development experience roadmaps, which elucidate the development experiences that are required for different career paths, business divisions, and succession planning positions.
Development planning
Development goals and objectives are written in the common and transparent language of experiences, which are aligned with the experience building blocks of development opportunities.
High potential development programs
High potentials get the right experience, at the right time, to maximize their development, and accelerate their viability for specific succession plans.
Talent review meetings
Experiences provide a straightforward framework to ensure that high potentials are getting the right development opportunities, which will strengthen the talent pool and the succession pipeline.
Succession planning
Experiences provide a structured mechanism to confirm that candidates have the right experiences to be viable and credible candidates on specific succession plans. That is, best fit succession candidates have required experiences, developmental stretch candidates have most of those required experiences (providing an opportunity for development), and pipeline candidates have a clear development plan to acquire those required experiences (and eventually become developmental stretch or perhaps, best fit candidates).
Succession management
Succession planning is strengthened by identifying candidate experience gaps against specific succession plans, implementing development plans to eliminate those experience gaps, and thereby, strengthen succession candidates which leads to more robust succession plans.

The innovative and patented Development Experiences Blueprint™ software application provides a unique and powerful contribution whether an organization has integrated talent management or more basic human resources.